tatra mountains in winter

via ferrata

via ferrata vodni brana

Via ferratas close to Poland (Czechia and Germany)

Just 12 km from the border with Poland, you can have fun on the via ferrata, and during a 4-day trip, you can make a dozen or so of them. In the Czech Republic and Germany, near Lower Silesia, there are via ferratas of all levels of difficulty. They are often single, short ferratas, but anyway they offer great fun :)

via ferrata jegihorn - most

Jägihorn – via ferrata with the coolest bridge

I have had the opportunity to walk the hanging bridges on via ferratas already several times, but I definitely had the best time on Jägihorn! The bridge is really long, hangs high above the ground, the surrounding views are beautiful and its swinging while passing provides extra emotions :)

via ferrata johann, dachstein

Via ferratas at Dachstein region – difficult and beautiful

Since I did my first via ferrata two years ago – at Hohe Wand, I knew that I have to visit the region of Dachstein. This is where you can find several via ferratas graded D, and even E, where I wanted to challenge myself. This year I had an opportunity.

via ferrata hias

Via ferratas in Silberkar gorge

Silberkar gorge in the Dachstein massif can be a great idea for a family day out but you can connect it also with via ferratas. In the gorge and above the Silberkar Hut there are three short but interesting via ferratas.

via ferrata madonnen

Via ferrata trails in Lienz Dolomites

After few days in Brenta, we relocated to Lienz Dolomites to try more difficult via ferratas. I was satisfied! The views aren’t so amazing as in Brenta but still wonderful and via ferratas were really challenging for me, especially the last one ;)

brenta dolomites bocchette centrali

Brenta Dolomites – the most wonderful mountains I’ve ever seen

The trail Via delle Bocchette is said to be the most spectacular via ferrata in Brenta Dolomites and one of the best in whole Alps. It’s technically easy but offers great exposure and excellent views. I was impressed!

wildfahrte ferrata

Wildfährte – ferrata with great views and medium difficulties

One before last day in Austrian Alps I made a trip from Habsburghaus to Karl-Ludwig-Haus through via ferratas Kaisersteig and Wildfährte. It wasn’t long and hard journey so it was perfect for me this day, as I didn’t feel great.


Via ferrata Haid-Steig in Rax: I liked it!

The best via ferrata I climbed during my journey in Austria in June. It was a challenge for me, but I didn’t have to struggle to do it. It also offers great views and is pretty long.

hohe wand ferrata

Via ferratas in Hohe Wand

Hohe Wand is a mountain ridge close to Vienna. It’s low (the peaks are ca. 1000 m), you can quickly get there from Poland and there are via ferratas in all degrees of difficulty. That’s why I chose this place to try my first ferratas.

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